Friday, February 5, 2010

Day I-dont-know-what-number-we're-on

Today Meredith and I decided to play an amazing game of Chubby Bunny and those were the result. Hahaha. Ohh the fun times we have! (And Meredith won in the end. She had 10 marshmallows in her mouth and I only have 8/9). :-)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 14: The Beginning of the End

Sooo I started my full-time student teaching today. Not that the fact that my name is on everything is new since ive been there all year but i still figured this was a good way to sum up the beginning of my last semester of college. :-)

After a lot of stress and productiveness Emma made Cream Cheese Danishes, I sort of helped. They are so delicious!
Little Megan also made some of our favorite cookies...Funfetti!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 12/13

Emma and I are pretty boring over the weekends. I've been studying, and she's been at home. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? (obviously we could stay on the weekends, but we need stress relievers)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 11: Doing our own thing...

Sooo Meredith and I pretty much never spend the weekends together since that is her time to hang out with the boyfriend. I'm not sure if we're going to be as faithful on the weekends to this thing therefore. And if we do add something, it will probably have to do with one of us or the other. So I suppose today is my turn. I slept in until about 11 and then I went to lunch with my mom, Jonathan, and my grandparents. Then i went and picked Andrew up from school and got to see a bunch of my kids. :-)
I decided to take a bajillion of pictures of Andrew on the car ride home everytime we stopped at a red light and this is one of the only ones that turned out well. Haha. Either he looked funny in the others or the glare of his glasses was too much.
Haha I told him to make a funny face/ stick his tongue out. :-) I love him soooo much!

Day 10


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 9: We gots lots to do

I'm sitting in class and thinking, When will this be over!?!?! After looking it up I learned that Emma has around 100 days of school until graduation, and I have around 300. Make it go faster!!!Me sitting in class....Can you tell I'm awake and paying attention?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 8: Staying Positive

Today started off not too bad. I went to take cohort pictures and eat at Chilis with the cohort and Meredith had class. When we got back, we both tried to be productive but we were soooo tired and having trouble staying awake. We ended up allowing ourselves to have a 30 minute nap which was MUCH needed. Then i went to pick the kids up for tutoring and then to Best Buddies.

Needless to say, I got home from those fun things to some not very fun stuff written on my facebook. But whatever, right? Need to shrug it off.

Meredith and I decided to take a painting break while we watched American Idol and Biggest Loser, and Mere accidentally spilled the paint. Whoops!

KayLeen wrote on my hand tonight. It says "I love u and Jesus." On these days where things arent so great, it is good to have small things like this to remember that everything will be okay and that, even though some people delight themselves in making others unhappy, there are still so many people who care about me and are here to support me. And even with nobody else, I will always have Kayleen and Jesus. Hah. :-)